Advisory Board Welcomes New Member Danielle Gilliard

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Danielle Gilliard is a Health Policy Coordinator in the Office of Policy & Prevention at the Mecklenburg County Health Department (MCHD) and an Adjunct Professor at Queens University. She studied Global Health and Environment, Medical Anthropology, and Chinese at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill before earning her MPH from Emory University.

Danielle has more than 5 years of experience in public health education, chronic disease prevention, youth engagement, and behavioral science research. She has supervised several BSPH and MPH students during their internships. Before moving to Mecklenburg County in 2014, Danielle worked at Emory University as a research assistant and for the Global Health Department and the Emory Prevention Research Center as well as Curriculum Coordinator for the Emory Pipeline Program.

As a new member of the Public Health Advisory Board, Danielle is most looking forward to assisting in the development of future public health professionals graduating from the department.

In her free time, Danielle teaches group fitness classes in strength and cardio conditioning at the YMCA of Greater Charlotte. She also enjoys volunteering with EmpowHERment, a non-profit committed to empowering girls and women to be leaders through mentorship, talent development and advocacy.